you are about to read the best post ever, i am so jealous of you right now. last time we blogged together, i told you about my experiences in the modern city of hiroshima, japan. i had a somber day of walking around and looking at monuments to the atomic bomb victims and that sort of stuff. so then i wanted to go to the modern (contemporary) art museum, up on a hill, surrounded by forest. it was hot out and a long walk but very worth it.

do you recognize this art? it was video art by a south african dude. lots of sketches and erasure and drawing. if i cared i would look up his name, but i dont right now. nevermind, william kentridge. it was fun and weird. honestly the dutch short film sequence at the beginning was better than everything else.

yeah so basically some dark rooms with weird movies of his playing on all four walls.

then i went to the permanent collection. man this stuff was a downer. i mean even after the museum, it was rough. the shape on the left is a picture of the wooden dummy that torn clothes are displayed on in the bomb museum. make art about it!

and then this guy, who is dead, like most of the artists in the contemporary art museum, did this as a self portrait and i was like noooo whyyyy and so i took this cool pic of it. and then the museum lady who sits in the gallery with a little blanket walked over and said "want me to take your picture with it?" so i let her but it came out crummy because i was tired and sweaty from the walk up to the museum so i deleted it. but still, look at this and try not to be like noooo whyyyy.

this thing was blinking and making sounds.

i like this one a lot! one of my favorites also.

and then some weird sculptures outside, including fat bird sculpture.

this lumpy gate is the main symbol of the museum. it was all right!

old dude feeding stray cats. this has become a major problem is most parts of japan since then the cats get out of control and ravage the countryside. a famous shogi (japanese chess) player recently got hit with major fines for feeding stray cats for years.

oh, then i went back to the main part of hiroshima. i wanted a bacon cheeseburger at this one semi american looking place, but it was overcooked and really unsatisfying.

so then i saw a guy on a MOS burger scooter, and he was doing delivery for MOS burger. i said to him where is the nearest MOS burger and he pointed down the street and was like "maybe 500 meters" so i found it! and i had better burgers there afterwards and got really full. on the way i saw this place. but i did not go inside.
okay i am going to end this post right here and now. it is no longer the penultimate post. well maybe it is, we will see. i have to eat lunch. and teach one more class today, i believe.
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